Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Ancient Chinese Secret

Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win. - Sun Tzu

We have three more days to prepare for our first "war" a Shore Conference Class A South match-up at Jackson.

And like the famous Chinese military philosopher tells us, it's important to prepare to win before the contest begins.

Pickoffs, tee work, hit downs, cutoffs - all have been done to get us to that point where Sun Tzu wants us - to be winners before the games begin.

In between, we had other work to do. You would expect a team that has won 5 state titles in the past 15 years would not have to do too much groundskeeping work, but we spent a great deal of time today taking water off the field from the downpours of Sunday and Monday. It must be all part of that Sun Tzu philosophy.

Two more days and counting....

All we need is for the weather to cooperate.