Tuesday, March 15, 2005



So we put a day in outside and in an optimistic world, day two should go smooth as silk.

Well... cotton was more like.

Soft, and not awful, but not silk.

Today we incorporated hitting into equation - playing a game we call one-pitch. We split the squad into two equal teams, and have a coach pitch. We start each batter with a 2-2 count and play game situation from there.

We saw some positives. We had a sophomore first baseman hit two b0mbs - one for a triple and one for a homer. We had a freshman get a couple base knocks. We had a couple gung ho guys show us a lot.

But we also have a ways to go. We're still waiting for some veteran leadership. We're still waiting for some kids to turn on thier "on" switches. We were waiting for some kids to show their true inner toughness.

The proverbial rubber hits the road tomorrow when we play our first scrimmage.

Coach Applegate made a great point walking out of practice today - everybody has to be in the same boat. Nobody could have been outside on a field any longer than 2 days or so - based on weather and field conditions.

I'm counting on a handful of pitchers to throw strikes tomorrow. Mix in some defense, some scrappy baserunning and some execution. We could maybe pull of the TR South magic.